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Current Offerings

With the current financial environment it’s more critical than ever to evidence your programs' Intended Outcomes and Impact to stakeholders and funders.  By starting now, you’ll build your framework and begin implementing and collecting outcome data with your programs early in the year.

Development Impact's Outcome Measurement Journey ensures that an organisation’s purpose is the forefront of design, delivery, analysis and reporting. Our co-design approach ensures uniqueness is captured, and staff and stakeholders are engaged and empowered in outcome measurement and evaluation by defining their intended outcomes to know their impact.


The journey takes you from wanting to make a difference to knowing you have, and where to improve.


Below is further information about our offerings and Module process, including incredible pricing discounts.

5 x Workshop Training Modules

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If your organisation is seeking an effective and efficient way to achieve your Outcome Measurement goals, this approach could be the answer. Our team will work with you and up to four other organisations (min 3 orgs, Max 5) in a live (online), dynamic, and collaborative environment.

This approach can be an effective solution for organisations that are looking for a time-defined, cost-effective solutions to Outcome Measurement challenges.  

Estimated at $5,500 per organisation


This individual organisation modular course allows you to learn at your own pace, and design a schedule that best suits your team. Through practical workshops and other resources, you'll be able to apply what you learn in a hands-on, engaging way.

The workshop trainings are designed to help you align your organisation's purpose with your program's intended outcomes, so that you can measure your impact, evidence your value to stakeholders and make data-driven decisions. You're welcome to bring as many team members as you like, including management, administration, and delivery staff, to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that your organization's efforts are coordinated and effective.

We work with you to set the workshop dates and go at your pace while you develop your framework.​

Cost: After a Needs Assessment is completed, you will be quoted between $7,000 - $10,000 based on your organisation's unique needs aligned to modules.

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As a purpose-driven organisation, it's important to measure the impact of your work and ensure that your efforts are making a difference. We offer custom consulting services that are tailored to your unique needs and goals. We will work closely with you to develop a personalised approach to outcome measurement, meeting your unique needs and supporting where you are at in the journey.


We provide the personalised support you need to measure your intended outcomes and know your IMPACT. Contact us for more information. 

Image by Helena Lopes

Module Content

Each module contains the following: 
  • Training Workshop
  • A workbook aligned to the training
  • Resources to build your framework
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What's covered: 

  • Clarify your Why/Purpose 

  • Develop (or review) your Theory of Change (ToC)

  • Capture your organisation’s unique contribution to social change​

  • Ensure ToC states the contribution your organisation makes and aligns to vision and purpose statements​

  • Develop 3-5 specific and tailored Outcome Pillars 

    • Outcome Pillars provide a common threads across all interventions within your organisation.

What's covered: 

  • Map out actions to outcomes. What do programs and service interventions do to achieve the intended outcome? Map out the detailed intervention to the Outcome Pillars.​

  • Identify key outcome indicators to measure against. Provides a clear way of seeing how the inputs you invest leads to outcomes for the people you are serving. 

What's covered: 

  • Designing outcome measurement questions to measure the change to the intended beneficiary in a reflective and empowering way.​

  • A Data Collection Plan is a framework that outlines what you want to collect, how you want to collect it, who you want to collect from, and when you will collect required data.​

  • It is critical to understand these key steps in order to ensure quality response data is collected.  When data collection is done well, the process becomes empowering and reflective for the responder. Well-designed Data Collection Plans become a tool of delivery, not just a tool of measurement.

What's covered: 

  • We help you align your reporting and analysis to your purpose and create a plan to visualise your data to tell a story to intended outcomes. 

  • Outcome measurement visualisations can be customised to display an array of information such as change over time, comparisons between cohort groups, service inputs, demographic information, and of course, outcomes via dynamic data management software.  

What's covered: 

  • After completing this module, you will have developed an Outcome Measurement Framework that captures the purpose, process and design of your Outcome Measurement design to measure your programs intended outcomes and know your impact.​

  • You will receive the following materials: ​

    • Build your Outcome Measurement Framework template ​

    • Qualitative (open question responses) Data Analysis How-To Guide​

    • Outcome Measurement Policy Template 

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